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one step at a time


Bedroom Ceiling

The challenge in this area was to cover all the metal fittings on a ceiling that was curved both ways. I solved it by making brackets to fit the perimeter and then flexing in the cross moldings. Under the brackets will be a shelf running length of both sides. It will contain more of the RGBW strip lights. Under those will be some sliding panels that will all the room to be completely blacked out. I have it all pretty well prepped now. Ceiling defects are filled and most of the woodwork is sanded and caulked. I think this will look amazing once painted. I am thinking dark reddish brown for the beams and a very dark green for the ceiling. I had though to do the ceiling itself blue like the sky but I think it will make the beams look to wispy.

The headboard is just a test of an item I salvaged from work. I may build something custom instead. Also unfortunately the brick will probably need to go. The seems show am picky.. unless I can work it into a design somehow (and overlay wood or something).

Over Christmas I hope to have this painted as well as make, hang and fit the two doors in the bus. Then I can really have some fun with the rest of the room which is simple.



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