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one step at a time


Couch Adventure

I shop ahead a bit as sometimes it is hard to find just what I need. I REALLY did not want to do one of those custom upholstered couches that are so typical of RVs. I really don't like the jamb packed, extruded look. In this situation the biggest problem was that the bus door was only about 24" wide. That isn't much to pass a couch through. Window is 27" tall: that is better. This meant I needed a couch that comes apart. That limits me to futon frame, ikea type couch, or a recliner. Futon is not the look I wanted. Ikea couch is likely cheapish and hard as a stack of cardboard, so this left a recliner. I started looking online. But it was impossible to tell quality and color. I really wanted to see with my own eyes before buying. So I visited six of the local furniture stores. Most had a couch or two that fit but I went to all the stores because I had a second criteria... that it didn't protrude too far into the room. I had about 68" so needed something that wasn't too deep as well as one that would not have to sit far from the wall. In my search I determined that I liked a couch made by Palliser. It was leather and a bit over $2000. I got the idea to check on Craigslist and found one in Naples, a four hour round trip.

I was a good color for my project (and actually matches my accent paint color in that area), and its projection was 39", which was one of the least. It was leather. I drove the two hours and paid the $1000 for it. It was virtually unused. I took it apart into three sections and actually got it in my car, a Chevy Trailblazer. It fit tight and I barely closed the hatch. Drove the two hours home and stored it under the bus. As soon as I get the floor in it will be put in place where it will sit across from the fireplace and TV. Although I saved over $1200, this is actually the single most expensive piece in the bus.



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