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one step at a time


Experimental Bath Floor

The material I had wanted to use, a turquoise Avonite, was going to run me $1000. There was no way I was going to pay this but was bent on getting blues into my bath floor. I came up with an idea to use a floor mural and this was how I intend to do it. First I made a template of the shower pan (before I cemented it in). And I made that part of a template for the whole floor.

Then I took the template to the shop and transferred it onto a piece of 1/2" pvc sheet.

I took the sticky back vinyl wallpaper and peeled it, stuck it down carefully....

...and ended up with pretty decent layout.

Toilet will back on the bluest part. You will walk in the door onto the sandiest part. Sink will be in the cutoff corner. Now I will give it about four coats of water based (so it won't yellow) polyurethane floor finish. Then I will sand it flat, and coat a couple more times. End result will be a glossy floor that looks like water....and I get my turquoise. Total cost: $80 sheet pvc, $65 mural, $30 paint = $175 Total time ... about two hours so far. Probably same to finish and a half hour to drop it in place when done. Next I will do back walls of the shower with a similar treatment. The product I wanted there was going to cost $1000 too (for a gloss acrylic). Now I am still getting my gloss but for similar price I will have a sandy beach and sky ...and more blues!



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