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one step at a time


Floor Planning

The layout is fairly straight forward as I copied most of it from the previous bus because I like it.

Some of the constraints. Biggest one is the bed. If you can live with a queen sized mattress it is allot easier but I really want to use a king sized bed. I want it to feel as much like home as possible and not restricted. Consequently, due to the dimensions, it can really only go at the back of the bus as it is too tight to pass without making some kind of popout in the body which I am reluctant to do. So #1 criteria is that bedroom goes at the back. This naturally takes two windows so length of area is defined.

Next area to locate is the bathroom. It is ideal seperation from front to back for privacy, allowing any guests who might stay on the couch to access it without crossing the bedroom. The two layout options are to consolidate it on one side and pass with hall on one wall, or to split it down the middle and essentially walk between shower and toilet to get to the bedroom. Again as I prefer to make it feel like normal house, I opt to consolidate it into one area which also makes it feel larger. One window bay naturally defines the space.

After that there is kitchen area and living area. These could be easily swapped as they are same size. I guess I kept it this way to copy what I had done before. The other issue is that below the floor as it sits here, it is located above some large bays below. This makes easy hookup for plumbing and such. Still I will reconsider the order of these two areas.

With regards to the kitchen and adjoining seating they could be flipped but the bath would have to move too. It is kind of optional. Or at least seems so at this point. Something may change that as I dig deeper and remove the old bathroom.

One of the things I want to do here is use some conventional furniture rather than having all custom built ins. There are a few reasons for this. Most importantly I think is to have it feel normal and not like some extruded motorcoach. I think its also good as it can be moved or swapped out. Also it will keep costs down, save me time in construction (upholstery is not in my scope of work and expensive) and provide lots of design options. Mostly this affects dining area and couch. Kitchen and TV cabinet area will be built in.


1 Comment

Debbie Mira Bresee
Debbie Mira Bresee
Jul 18, 2018

Glad to see it made it home today!

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