With Thanksgiving 2018 I had a four day weekend and I thought I might slip in some progress on the generator. I started a few days early by dropping by Harbor Freight and buying and engine hoist. At this point I need to start from the bottom up and replace the dilapidated base. They didn't have the smaller model and I didn't feel like driving all over town so asked for a deal on the next size up. I got a discount and walked out with a good heavy duty lift for $175

That made it easy to get off the crappy base. (It weighs about 500#s. Onan had quoted $500 for the base (without mounts) so I decided to build my own. I spent $200 to have the four mounts made and another $25 for the generic vibration dampeners. Then I made a base out of baltic birch covered with metal and plastic laminate.

This photo shows the almost finished results. It was a huge improvement.

Next task on this is to rework the top box and brackets. Not fun but maybe not as bad as I worry it might be. After that I need to create a cooling system as it is designed to be water cooled. Also I will create a fuel loop into the buses fuel system. Stay tuned. ;-)