Holes were already cut and we had painted the roof right up to the openings. I walked each three 75 lb units up a ladder and set them in place on the roof. All the rest of the connection was done from inside.

These are three units made by Dometic. This unit was touted as the quietest on the market and also energy efficient. You could apparently run one from the small portable 2k generator.
With some shopping around, they were pretty good price (at under $500 each including the interior face plate.) Throw in a hundred dollars of wire to get to them and its overall a pretty reasonable setup for an unusually long space. Using three units will give good zone control and (I am hoping) adequate air to really cool it down. I am stubborn about keeping windows and it costs in energy efficiency.

Anyway, once on the roof, I bolted them down, connected the wires and attached the grills. It all came out pretty good.

Unfortunately I can't really run them yet. I still have to wire into box. And even then probably only one at a time until I get a plug-in station done right. You can't just plug a mini-house into a wall outlet! lol