The living room is allot of fun. My intention was to have a TV pop up from behind a fire place. But last week I removed a cabinet from a customers home that I had installed 15 years ago because they were moving. As a result I got a couple TVs and a lift. I already had my first lift (an impressive $225 piece from Wallmart... no less!) and now to this one for free (original price was in the $3k range). So I opted to build a gun cabinet between the TV and the fireplace.
Here you can see the first lift installed as close to the wall as possible. It is kind of complicated how I had to build it to allow for the window release bars to operate. I had to offset the top of the cabinet and cut the bars back to allow space for the lift to set back. You can kind of see it in the photo below if you can orient yourself.
Then afted that I installed the other lift in front of it. This all fits within about 14" front to back.
Very soon a box to hold a small collection will sit on that connecting plank. For me it would be a small gun collection: for someone else maybe a shallow bar. Today I got the fireplace that is the next phase: to create a decorative front for this box.
This shows a general idea of what I will end up with. That is a sound bar about the fireplace.... and the books in the cabinet (maybe) are wallpaper behind glass doors.
The set on the right will hide the electrical box, transformers, etc.