Finally getting to some of the fun stuff. Roughing out and sorting through what is needed and where it goes and how to supply power, water or drainage. I really do love it.

Photo show view from back to front, through the bathroom.

Photo shows view from front to back. Looking at side of bathroom from kitchen.

View of other kitchen wall, facing the living room and front of bus. This is some of the beginning rough in for the kitchen.
Wiring bus is interesting. The closeness of the windows (about 2 3/4") dictated the thickness of the walls. This wall depth demands a shallow box. Tight wiring in small box is more difficult.
On the outside wall where there are cabinets, like the kitchen, it is easier as I want them built out from the windows (to allow them to operate) so that creates a hollow space for standard boxes. This helps as this is also where the heavier gauge wires will go.